
Get template placeholders.

Blog Figure
JSON code with placeholders.

Get placeholders

The placeholders (variables) set in a document can be accessed with the action get_variables.

You can find everything about obtaining the existing placeholders in a document in the documentation.

The result of recovering the placeholders is a JSON.

	"comments": ["VAR_COMMENT_1"],
	"document": ["VAR_BODY_1","VAR_BODY_2"],
	"endnotes": ["VAR_ENDNOTE_1"],
	"footers": ["VAR_FOOTER_1","VAR_FOOTER_2"],
	"footnotes": ["VAR_FOOTNOTE_1"],
	"headers": ["VAR_HEADER_1","VAR_HEADER_2"]

The command to execute in order to obtain the existing variables in a document is:

dynadocx -a get_variables -t template.docx
Blog Figure
JSON code with placeholders.