
Apply properties and settings.

Blog Figure
The properties set in a document.

Properties and settings

By defining the properties and settings options in JSON files it is possible to choose the document language, update the creation and last modified date, include a creator, description, keywords and others.

You can find everything about the available properties and settings in the documentation.

The following example adds several custom properties in a document, updates the creation and last modified date, defines es-ES as default language to be used and applies some other settings:

    "properties": {
        "auto_created_at": true,
        "auto_modified_at": true,
        "category": "A custom category",
        "creator": "A custom creator",
        "description": "A custom description",
        "revision": 2,
        "keywords": "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3"
    "settings": {
        "lang": "es-ES",
        "proof_state": "clean"

The command to execute in order to add properties and settings and generate a new document is:

dynadocx -d data.json
Blog Figure
The properties set in a document.