HTML contents and CSS styles: Reference

Contents and styles are added with a file or URL HTML/CSS and the "-i" parameter:

dynadocx -i content.html

It is possible to include one or more content files with the same command.

Compatible HTML tags

tag description
<a> link
<b>, <strong> bold text
<br> line, page and column break
<cite>, <em>, <i> italic text
<del>, <s>, <strike> line through text
<ins>, <u> underline text
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> heading
<hr> horizontal line
<mark> highlighted text
<p> paragraph
<span> inline container
<sub> subscript text
<sup> superscript text

Compatible CSS selectors

selector description
element tag {style: value;}
class .class {style: value;}
id #id {style: value;}
element.class tag.class {style: value;}
element#id tag#id {style: value;}
element, element tag, tag {style: value;}

Detail of compatible tags, attributes and styles


attribute description
class one or more classnames
data-style custom character style (rStyle). Default: Hyperlink
href external link (http://domain) or bookmark link (#id)
id unique id
style inline CSS styles
style description
background-color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
font-family Font family. Needs to be available in the OS or embedded in the document. Inherit.
font-size Font size: cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px. Inherit.
font-style Font style: italic, normal, oblique. Inherit.
font-weight Font weight: bold, bolder, normal, 700, 800, 900. Inherit.
text-decoration Text decoration: underline, line-through, none. Inherit.
vertical-align Vertical align: baseline, sub, sup, text-bottom, text-top.


attribute description
data-type Break type: empty, column, page, textWrapping.

<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>

attribute description
class one or more classnames
data-style custom paragraph style (pStyle). Default: Heading1 (<h1>), Heading2 (<h2>), Heading3 (<h3>), Heading4 (<h4>), Heading5 (<h5>), Heading6 (<h6>)
id unique id. Generate a bookmark
style inline CSS styles
style description
background-color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
font-family Font family. Needs to be available in the OS or embedded in the document. Inherit.
font-size cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px. Inherit.
font-style Font style: italic, normal, oblique. Inherit.
font-weight Font weight: bold, bolder, normal, 700, 800, 900. Inherit.
page-break-before Do a page break: always, auto.
text-align Text alignment: center, distribute, justify, left, right. Inherit.
text-decoration Text decoration: underline, line-through, none. Inherit.


attribute description
class one or more classnames
id unique id
style inline CSS styles
style description
color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit. Default: ACA899
height Height: cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px. Default: 1.5
text-align Align: center, left, right. Inherit. Default: center
width Width: cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px. Default: full width


attribute description
class one or more classnames
data-style custom paragraph style (pStyle)
id unique id. Generate a bookmark
style inline CSS styles
style description
background-color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
font-family Font family. Needs to be available in the OS or embedded in the document. Inherit.
font-size cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px. Inherit.
font-style Font style: italic, normal, oblique. Inherit.
font-weight Font weight: bold, bolder, normal, 700, 800, 900. Inherit.
page-break-before Do a page break: always, auto.
text-align Text alignment: center, distribute, justify, left, right. Inherit.
text-decoration Text decoration: underline, line-through, none. Inherit.


(<b>, <cite>, <del>, <em>, <i>, <ins>, <mark>, <s>, <strike>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <u>)
attribute description
class one or more classnames
data-style custom character style (rStyle)
id unique id
style inline CSS styles
style description
background-color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
color Color: name, HEX, rgb, rgba (alpha value is ignored). Inherit.
font-family Font family. Needs to be available in the OS or embedded in the document. Inherit.
font-size Font size: cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px. Inherit.
font-style Font style: italic, normal, oblique. Inherit.
font-weight Font weight: bold, bolder, normal, 700, 800, 900. Inherit.
text-decoration Text decoration: underline, line-through, none. Inherit.
vertical-align Vertical align: baseline, sub, sup, text-bottom, text-top.

How to add CSS

CSS can be added using the following ways:

Inline CSS
<p style="color: red;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>
Internal CSS (style tags)
      p {
          font-weight: bold;
External CSS
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Import CSS
      @import "styles.css";
      @import url("");

Base CSS

The following default styles are applied when importing HTML:

mark {
    background-color: yellow;