
What's new in dynadocx.


Sep 01, 2021

  • New package: ARM64 Linux.
  • Actions: get_styles.
  • HTML tags: a (id, class, data-style, href [anchor and external links], style), br (data-type [empty, column, page, textWrapping]), h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 (id, class, data-style, style), hr (id, class, style), mark (id, class, style), sub (id, class, style), sup (id, class, style).
  • HTML attributes: data-style (a, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, span tags).
  • CSS styles: color (name, HEX, RGB) (hr tag), height (cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px) (hr tag), text-align (center, left, right) (hr tag), vertical-align (baseline, sub, sup, text-bottom, text-top) (span tags), width (cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px) (hr tag).
  • Supported decimal digits, - and _ in attribute names.
  • Improved the performance when checking the license using a subscription package.
  • Base CSS styles: mark {background-color: yellow;}.
  • Encode special characters automatically from JSON contents.
  • Support @import url at-rule.
  • id attribute in p and heading tags generates a bookmark.
  • New checks when using LibreOffice without setting a custom path.


Jul 01, 2021

  • Actions: default, get_variables, transform.
  • HTML tags and attributes: p (id, class, style), span (id, class, style), i (id, class, style), u (id, class, style), em (id, class, style), cite (id, class, style), b (id, class, style), strong (id, class, style), ins (id, class, style), del (id, class, style), strike (id, class, style), s (id, class, style).
  • CSS styles: background-color (name, HEX, RGB) (p, span tags), color (name, HEX, RGB) (p, span tags), font-size (cm, in, mm, pc, pt, px) (p, span tags), font-family (p, span tags), font-style (italic, oblique, normal) (p, span tags), font-width (bold, bolder, 700, 800, 900, normal) (p, span tags), page-break-before (always, auto) (p tags) text-decoration (underline, line-through, none) (p, span tags).
  • Layout options: columns, height, margins, size, orientation, width.
  • Template: remove_placeholders, replace_checkboxes, replace_lists, replace_tables, replace_texts.
  • Blocks: clone_block, remove_block_placeholders, remove_blocks.
  • Design page: color, borders.
  • Properties: app_version, auto_created_at, auto_modified_at, category, content_status, created_at, creator, description, keywords, last_modified_by, modified_at, revision, subject, title.
  • Settings: align_borders_and_edges, decimal_symbol, do_not_shade_form_data, do_not_track_formatting, do_not_track_moves, hide_grammatical_errors, hide_spelling_errors, lang, mirror_margins, proof_state, track_revisions, update_fields, view.
  • Read JSON, HTML, CSS and DOCX contents from the filesystem and as URL (http and https).
  • Support the following content types when doing replacements: body, headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes and comments.
  • Transform options using LibreOffice program: DOCX to PDF, ODT, RTF and DOC; DOC, ODT and RTF to DOCX.